Skylight Repair

skylight on metal roof

Add in Natural Light

Skylights are a great way to add natural light to your home. They come in many different shapes and sizes and can be placed in virtually any place in the home where you want to have more light. It’s important to have initial installations handled by a professional roofer to secure the skylight properly and minimize the risk of damage down the line.

If you are having trouble with a skylight, it’s important to get in touch with a professional roofer so that you can have proper assistance. Legacy Roofing of Kansas provides both sky light repair in Salina, KS, and skylight replacement for your convenience. No matter what is happening with your skylight, we’ll properly diagnose the issue with an in-depth roof inspection. Get started with our team of professionals at 785-838-8604 today!

Skylight Problems

Depending on improper initial installations, you may have a number of skylight problems that will require periodic repairs. Likely, one of the top reasons why skylight problems occur is due to initial installations. That’s why it’s important to first have all fittings and materials properly placed so that half of the potential troubles can be eliminated in the future.

When your skylight is experiencing problems, here are some possible causes:

  • Poor Insulation / Seal
  • Roof Flashing
  • Poor installation
  • Excess daylight, roof vent problems, or overheating
  • Ice dams
  • Melting Snow
  • Condensation
  • Damaged Roof Cement

It’s important to schedule a roof inspection when you notice any signs that your skylight isn’t performing as it should. Only a professional roofer will be able to properly diagnose the issue and provide you with relevant services that will best help with your skylight issue.

For more information on skylight repair in Salina, KS, speak to our team now.

Contact Us Now For Assistance

Legacy Roofing of Kansas provides professional sky light repair in Salina, KS. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your skylight our team of professional roofers can help you. We’ll be able to best match you with the service that’ll be able to help with your skylight. Speak to our team at 785-838-8604 to get scheduled with assistance.